Practice Opportunity - Book Group via Zoom
Monthly Zoom Book Discussion of “Inherited Silence: Listening to the Land, Healing the Colonizer Mind” by Louise Dunlap

AZG Library Update
The library is open on Mondays from 4:30pm-5:30pm, staffed by someone from the library team who can help with questions and orient you to our filing system….

AZG Sangha Week at Green Gulch Farm Zen Center September 26-29, 2025
Contact Beverly directly or here with any questions or to reserve your spot.

Spring Class Series - An Introduction to Precepts
Registration is now open for our upcoming spring class series exploring the Diamond Sutra with Head Teacher Eugene Bush. Our focus in this series is to investigate the ways in which this brilliant and influential teaching is gently elucidating the core precepts of our tradition….

Way Seeking Mind Talk - Green Gulch Sangha Week
We had a lovely time gathering after zazen on Tuesday evening to share tea and cookies and hear from our sangha members who participated in AZG’s sangha week at Green Gulch Farm Zen Center last fall….

Way Seeking Mind Talks in 2025
Beginning in January we will be including in our schedule Way Seeking Mind Talks offered by members of our community…

Let’s Keep Each Other Safe & Healthy
Let's keep each other safe and healthy! If you have symptoms of cold, flu or COVID, please stay home and participate via zoom.
If you are COVID-negative but coughing, sneezing, or managing sniffles, please wear a mask indoors.
Invitation to Zendo Roles
Practice Committee is keenly aware of how much effort it takes to continue to provide a full schedule. We invite all who participate to learn one or more roles to keep the zendo open.

Call for Submissions - AZG Newsletter
We would like our newsletter to reflect more of the flavor of what it’s like to practice with us here at Arcata Zen Group and would like your help!