Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide opportunities for the practice and study of Zen Buddhism in the tradition of Eihei Dogen and Shunryu Suzuki Roshi. We emphasize zazen as our central practice and its application to everyday life, with a focus on social and environmental justice. May all beings be free from suffering.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors meets monthly to oversee all business including property and financial management, our goals and objectives, ongoing community concerns, and teacher review. Board members serve a two-year term. They are elected by the membership each year to ensure a minimum of six Directors. Candidates must have been members for at least two years.
Current Board members: President: Lynda McDevitt; Vice-President: Andy Stubblefield; Treasurer: Kelly Kantner; Secretary: Milli Quam; Member-at-Large: Elvira Schwarz.
Practice Committee
The Practice Committee meets monthly to make decisions about forms and practices, and sets the yearly teaching schedule. The Practice Committee is comprised of the Head Teacher and the Zendo Manager, plus a minimum of four appointed representatives. Representatives must have been members in good standing for at least two years. Each member serves a two-year term.
Current Practice Committee members: Eugene Bush, Head Teacher; Alex Kantner; Beverly Filip, Paula Arrowsmith-Jones, and Easton Connell.
Decision-Making, Ethics and Conflict Resolution
We root our participatory group process in the realization of non-self, in the understanding of interdependence, and with faith in practice-realization. We vow, together with all beings, to ease each other’s discomfort through our thoughts, words and actions, by rooting them in the Noble Eightfold Path. In addition, we vow to do no harm, to do good, and to do good for others. This is the beauty and joy of the sangha jewel.
Conflict Prevention and Resolution at Arcata Zen Group
Ethics and Conflict Resolution
Requesting Support for Conflict Resolution at Arcata Zen Group