Tree Ceremony 6/2/2024

After our sangha potluck on Sunday June 2 we held a brief ceremony to honor the passing of two apple trees in the orchard at the zendo. Last autumn these two trees looked unhealthy (one of them took a lot of damage from an inquisitive visiting black bear) and this spring their branches remained bare as their neighboring trees put out blossoms and leaves. Gene led the ceremony and explained the roots of the tradition in monastic settings. He circumambulated each tree three times as the sangha members present chanted the Shosai Myo Kichijo Dharani, the Wondrous and Auspicious Dharani for Removing Hindrance. A few folks shared fond memories of the trees. Gene noted that the golden delicious tree up by the work shed was Maylie’s favorite tree and Rose’s favorite as well. The black bear that climbed up into that tree for its apples last fall probably agrees.

Having honored these two trees, we plan to cut them down at our next sangha work period on Saturday June 29. Please feel welcome to visit the orchard to say your farewells before then if you are so inclined.


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Sesshin 5/31 - 6/1/2024