Update - Community Communication Channels

Do you have an announcement to share with the AZG community? There are two channels for sharing information with the entire sangha: the AZG Bulletin Board and the AZG newsletter.

If you have a community announcement like an upcoming event, registration link for a sesshin you're coordinating, information about a study intensive you're coordinating, summary or photos of a recent community event (like jukai), please email these community announcements to Easton or info@arcatazengroup.org to be posted under the Sangha News on our website and sent out in the monthly newsletter. Submissions received by the 15th of each month will be included in the current newsletter and posted on the website under Sangha News within a day.

If you have a time sensitive announcement like the cancelation of an event, a power outage at the zendo that will close the zoom zendo, or a community event that you would like to share with the sangha before the next monthly newsletter goes out please email azg-bulletin-board@arcatazengroup.org to send an email to all Friends and Members of AZG.

Please send any questions you may have to info@arcatazengroup.org. Thank you!


Sesshin 5/31 - 6/1/2024


Website Update - Yearly Overview