Deadline for Zazenkai Registration

Register by March 23rd to Participate in Zazenkai April 4-5

Zazenkai (day-sit) begins Friday evening from 5:45-8:30pm and continues Saturday 7:30am-4:00pm. There may be an oryoki lunch.  

If there are 10 or more participants, we will have a formal vegan oryoki lunch. If not eating oryoki, please bring a bag lunch and plan to eat on the premises. 

The deadline to sign up for oryoki is Sunday, March 23. 

Registration is required. Register HERE.

Fee is $30 ($40 if eating oryoki) or what you can comfortably afford. There is no fee for Friday evening.  Schedule TBA. Click here to see guidelines for sesshin.


Poetry Sunday


Way Seeking Mind Talk - Paula Arrowsmith-Jones